2018-01-30 6515All the Infors range can be supplied in an alternative configuration to provide an excellent bioreactor. The following adaptations are made:
2018-01-17 3389All the Infors range can be supplied in an alternative configuration to provide an excellent bioreactor. The following adaptations are made:
2017-07-20 3055All the Infors range can be supplied in an alternative configuration to provide an excellent bioreactor. The following adaptations are made:
生物量实时监测测系统– CGQ生物量实时监测测系统– CGQ生物
2017-06-23 2932对于同一套加热控制系统,温度精度高和加热速度快这是相互对立的两个要求。温度精度高,要求加热速度和设定值呈现函数接近关系;加热速度快,要求加热曲线成线性比例关系。
2017-06-23 2270The fermenter is supplied in a configuration to provide an excellent bioreactor for this purpose.
生物量实时监测测系统– CGQ
2017-05-18 2963CGQ (Cell Growth Quantifier)系统,是一种在线实时监测摇瓶中生物量设备,通过摇瓶底部光学检测器,对培养物进行实时跟踪检测。测量时不需要将摇瓶从摇床中取出,也无需停止摇床运作